Description RMAP

The Remote Medicine for the Advanced Provider™ (RMAP) course trains Advanced Life Support (ALS) providers such as nurses, paramedics, physicians, and physician assistants on sophisticated, life-saving techniques developed for use in challenging and remote environments. This course is 6 days of in-person training and offers up to 56 hours of CAPCE-approved continuing education. Please refer to your state agency for complete recertification requirements.


The RMAP includes the widest range of advanced medical skills available to RMT students. This course educates participants on immobilization and carrying techniques, litter packaging, cold and heat emergencies, joint reductions, fracture management, spinal injury assessment, management of eye injuries and dental emergencies, expedition health and hygiene, psychological emergencies, tropical medicine, altitude illness, envenomation, evacuations, rescue considerations, mass casualty incidents, triage situations, how to utilize medical kits, manage remote site clinics, and more.